Appointments in Gettysburg, PA:
New Patients
Established patients
Scheduled routine Follow -Up
Same day/Walk-in visits (call before visit)
Follow-up hospitalization (Transition of care)
Schedule for minor procedures or tests
Nurse Visits, for questions or injections, or minor procedures
Annual physical (bring medication list, previous physician name/number, past medical/surgical history, labs, or imaging).
Minor Procedures:
By definition, minor surgeries are surgeries performed without general anesthesia or respiratory assistance. Most will be performed using an injected anesthetic or topical to the site of the procedure.
Incision and drainage of abscess, or other infections.
Ingrown Toenail removal.
Laceration repairs-suturing and /or removal of sutures/staples
Foreign body removal.
Skin mole removal.
Knee and shoulder intra-articular injections/arthrocentesis-with
injection of steroids
Nonsurgical procedures:
Spirometry with and /or without bronchodilators
Audiometry - screening
Vision screening
intramuscular or subcutaneous injections
Pulse Oximetry at rest and walking oximetry
Point of care:
FLU Test - diagnosis in 30 min
COVID-19 antigen(rapid test) -mostly screening - Veritor BD plus machine available in 30 min
COVID-19 PCR(results in 24 -48hr) - for traveling and sometimes to confirm the diagnosis
Urinalysis - diagnosed in 20 min - Uri spec Plus
Coumadin/Warfarin - PT/INR monitoring --diagnosed in 20 min
Hemoglobin A1c - diagnosed and follow up for Diabetes Mellitus- diagnosed in 20 min
Hem occult -screening for colon cancer
Pregnancy test
Find us on Map:
Call us at (717) 420-2631
Send us an email at THCC@firsthealthcarecenter.com